Wall Bricks Toolkit
- Wall bricks constraint
- Wall bricks Temp constraint
- Path Wrap constraint
- Path Test constraint
StartUp scripts
- logic library - libDuplicateAlongACurve.py
Action scripts:
- DuplicateAlongACurve_DeformMesh
- DuplicateAlongACurve_HardPlot
- DuplicateAlongACurve_RotateBy90
- DuplicateAlongACurve_SelectModels
- DuplicateAlongACurve_SelectNulls
- DuplicateAlongACurve_SETUP
Script for doing snapshots along a curve and setup a Wall bricks constraint
Object should be aligned to the +Z axis. Length of the node will be computed from the bounding box Z length (max - min)
Final number of shapshot elements - curve length / element Z length
There is a possibility to create instances (share the same geometry) and copies.
Wall Bricks Constraint
Better to create a constraint from the DuplicateAlongACurve_Setup script.
Maximum number of nodes in the constraint - 16384
Wall Bricks Expressions
Expression special variables
- f - animation factor (lifetime [0;1])
- distToCamera - distance to current camera in units
- n - element index in the expression
- nN - normalized element in index (index / total count) [0; 1]
- rF - normalized random value for that element. generated on each expression evaluation.
Expression special function
- select (value, a, b) - make a newValue [0; 1] which interpolates between a and b.
Expression examples
for y scaling 1) f 2) var x:=clamp(0.0, 0.5+1.0-distToCamera/900, 1.0); fxx